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Successful 1st Accident Investigation course for EMSA

12/04/2019 – Together with our associate partner Thom Koning we started with the first of a series training on maritime accident investigation for the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).

16 Participants attended the training with representatives from Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia and Israel. Later this year the core skill course will be held for EU-member states (invitation only). In addition to the core skill course, an advanced course is developed which will be launched by EMSA later this year for invitees.

The course introduced all relevant stages in the process of conducting a marine casualty safety investigation as well as the relevant principles and tools to support the conduct of witness interviewing, analysis of human factors and underlying conditions, safety recommendations and follow up and dealing with investigation reports.

The course contributed to further developing the accident investigation capabilities of the national investigation bodies.

For other interested parties such as Flag States, shipping companies, P&I clubs or others, please contact Gert-Jan Kamps, MSc by e-mail [email protected] or phone +31(0)6 186 23 586.

Published on

12 April, 2019
